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Positive affirmations are powerful tools to help you manifest what you desire into your life. This is not a new concept but now that science has documented a new energy field, simply called The Field, that they say is the primary component of all things, positive affirmations have new and powerful meanings.Everything that exists is made up of energy in the form of radiating wavelengths. The denser the form, a rock for example, the lower the energy levels, at the other end of the spectrum there exists things that have high levels of energy. These high energy level forms are things like light, colors, and thoughts.Yes, thoughts!You see, the things we think about are sent from us as energy and permeate the things and people around us. Everything starts as a thought! Ford motor company started as a thought in the head of Henry Ford, it was his idea of bringing the automobile to the masses that created the Ford Empire we know today. The skyscrapers that line our beautiful cities, at one time, were thoughts in an architect's mind.In order to understand the power of positive affirmations we need to better understand the power of our thoughts. The things we think about continuously will materialize in time. Therefore, it is important to always think positive thoughts. When you spend your time thinking about what you lack in life, all you will ever have is lacking. In order to acquire all that you wish for you must focus on it with laser accuracy and put a plan in place to achieve it. Affirmations give us this focus and keep us going in the right direction.Thoughts, when focused on and combined with passion, in time, are manifested into reality. That is the power of positive affirmation, it is the repeated reading of a statement or thought that gets into the sub-conscious mind and radiates from us to attract the necessary means to bring forth that thought into reality.It is the absolute knowing, with the absence of doubt, that you will acquire what it is you desire. It doesn't matter if it is a material possession, love, or spirituality; we become the things that we think about. Unfortunately, if all we focus on is negative things or wishes all we will ever have is negativity and mere wishes.By using positive affirmations and repeating our desires and goals daily in our thoughts we begin to manifest them into reality. Suddenly, changes begin to happen in our lives that begin to bring forth our desires. If we want more financial freedom and use affirmations aimed at acquiring more wealth then, almost miraculously, we get the promotion we wanted or our business takes a turn for the better providing the added income we desire.This must be done in the sense that what it is you desire has already manifested itself. Do not use an affirmation that is stated as a want or desire. A good example in the case of financial freedom would be:Wealth flows into my life like the water of the streams and rivers to the oceans. I have plenty of income to meet my needs, with lots left over to help my fellow man.You notice that there is no asking for wealth or money it is stated as if you already have it. By sending this message out into the universal intelligence, the field, it will attract like energies and manifest itself into reality. Things that we perceive as miracles are the fruition of thoughts that have manifested themselves into reality. That is the power of prayer and meditation gives us what we ask for, good or bad!Use this simple guide to let the power of positive affirmations help you in your life.1. Write down on paper what it is you desire. It is best to keep this personal, sharing it with others only allows negativity into your mind.
Society, family, and friends like to tell us that things can't be done. They mean well but you do not want to let those thoughts enter your mind. Memorize the affirmation and remember to keep it in the sense that you already have what it is you desire.2. In the morning when you have time to yourself repeat the affirmation 20 times. Make sure that it is stated with emotion and passion, not just stated out loud. Envision yourself with your desire and how you will be once it becomes reality. Repeat the process before you go to bed at night.3. Any time you feel yourself doubting your desire or any negative thoughts enter your mind, clear your mind and repeat your positive affirmation. Do not let negative thoughts or setbacks deter your focus from achieving your desire.4. Lastly, stay focused and be receptive to opportunities when they present themselves. The path to your desires may not come in the form that you envision! So pay attention and be alert to opportunity.I hope this article has helped you see the potential in yourself and the power you have when you use positive affirmations. I promise, that if you will use these simple steps as outlined above you will see great changes in your life. It is important to understand that what we think about becomes our realities in life, so be careful what you think about.Good Luck on your Journey!Positive affirmations are powerful tools to help you manifest what you desire into your life. This is not a new concept but now that science has documented a new energy field, simply called The Field, that they say is the primary component of all things, positive affirmations have new and powerful meanings.Everything that exists is made up of energy in the form of radiating wavelengths. The denser the form, a rock for example, the lower the energy levels, at the other end of the spectrum there exists things that have high levels of energy. These high energy level forms are things like light, colors, and thoughts.Yes, thoughts!You see, the things we think about are sent from us as energy and permeate the things and people around us. Everything starts as a thought! Ford motor company started as a thought in the head of Henry Ford, it was his idea of bringing the automobile to the masses that created the Ford Empire we know today. The skyscrapers that line our beautiful cities, at one time, were thoughts in an architect's mind.In order to understand the power of positive affirmations we need to better understand the power of our thoughts. The things we think about continuously will materialize in time. Therefore, it is important to always think positive thoughts. When you spend your time thinking about what you lack in life, all you will ever have is lacking. In order to acquire all that you wish for you must focus on it with laser accuracy and put a plan in place to achieve it. Affirmations give us this focus and keep us going in the right direction.Thoughts, when focused on and combined with passion, in time, are manifested into reality. That is the power of positive affirmation, it is the repeated reading of a statement or thought that gets into the sub-conscious mind and radiates from us to attract the necessary means to bring forth that thought into reality.It is the absolute knowing, with the absence of doubt, that you will acquire what it is you desire. It doesn't matter if it is a material possession, love, or spirituality; we become the things that we think about. Unfortunately, if all we focus on is negative things or wishes all we will ever have is negativity and mere wishes.By using positive affirmations and repeating our desires and goals daily in our thoughts we begin to manifest them into reality. Suddenly, changes begin to happen in our lives that begin to bring forth our desires. If we want more financial freedom and use affirmations aimed at acquiring more wealth then, almost miraculously, we get the promotion we wanted or our business takes a turn for the better providing the added income we desire.This must be done in the sense that what it is you desire has already manifested itself. Do not use an affirmation that is stated as a want or desire. A good example in the case of financial freedom would be:Wealth flows into my life like the water of the streams and rivers to the oceans. I have plenty of income to meet my needs, with lots left over to help my fellow man.You notice that there is no asking for wealth or money it is stated as if you already have it. By sending this message out into the universal intelligence, the field, it will attract like energies and manifest itself into reality. Things that we perceive as miracles are the fruition of thoughts that have manifested themselves into reality. That is the power of prayer and meditation, God gives us what we ask for, good or bad!Use this simple guide to let the power of positive affirmations help you in your life.1. Write down on paper what it is you desire. It is best to keep this personal, sharing it with others only allows negativity into your mind. Society, family, and friends like to tell us that things can't be done. They mean well but you do not want to let those thoughts enter your mind. Memorize the affirmation and remember to keep it in the sense that you already have what it is you desire.2. In the morning when you have time to yourself repeat the affirmation 20 times. Make sure that it is stated with emotion and passion, not just stated out loud. Envision yourself with your desire and how you will be once it becomes reality. Repeat the process before you go to bed at night.3. Any time you feel yourself doubting your desire or any negative thoughts enter your mind, clear your mind and repeat your positive affirmation. Do not let negative thoughts or setbacks deter your focus from achieving your desire.4. Lastly, stay focused and be receptive to opportunities when they present themselves. The path to your desires may not come in the form that you envision! So pay attention and be alert to opportunity.I hope this article has helped you see the potential in yourself and the power you have when you use positive affirmations. I promise, that if you will use these simple steps as outlined above you will see great changes in your life. It is important to understand that what we think about becomes our realities in life, so be careful what you think about.Good Luck on your Journey!

Guitar Hero, what about keyboards?

And here you thought that the rhythm game genre was getting stale. While Konami still has a firm lock on most rhythm-oriented games, another company called Harmonix has also released its share of interesting rhythm games--Frequency and Amplitude--both for the PlayStation 2. Plus, Harmonix and Konami have teamed up in the past on the Karaoke Revolution series. Now, the Cambridge-based developer is taking a similar approach to the world of guitar rock with Red Octane's Guitar Hero. With its extremely smart approach to difficulty, its great guitar controller, and its killer song selection, Guitar Hero might just be the best rhythm game ever made.
Guitar Hero is played with a special guitar-shaped controller that has five buttons up on the neck, with one on each of the first five frets. Instead of strings to pluck, a small, clicky flipper is on the body of the guitar. And, just for kicks, it's got a whammy bar. The guitar feels pretty solid and generally well-made. The game screen consists of a scrolling fret board that has various colored notes on it. Each color corresponds to one of the buttons on the guitar, which you must hold down while strumming on the flipper. Some notes have lines attached to them, implying that you should hold down that note for a longer period of time, similar to the freeze arrows found in Dance Dance Revolution. Technically, you could play Guitar Hero on a standard PS2 controller, if you wanted to, but it's not nearly as interesting without the guitar. Also worth noting, the guitar isn't compatible with Konami's Guitar Freaks games, so if you're looking to replace your increasingly rare and somewhat flimsy Konami guitars, you're out of luck.
Unlike most rhythm games, Guitar Hero has a career mode that sort of dictates how you should proceed through the five difficulty settings. This is probably the smartest part of the entire game. Anyone jumping into even the medium difficulty setting without a decent amount of experience isn't likely to get very far. But starting on easy, which only uses three of the five buttons, is a great way to get used to playing the game. Also, you'll be playing easier songs when you first start, and you'll work your way through multiple brackets of tracks as you play. Medium difficulty steps things up by only occasionally working in the fourth button. Eventually, you'll start using that fourth button more and more as you move down the song list. Hard difficulty does the same thing with the fifth button, giving you time to get used to pressing it with your pinky, which, let's face it, isn't normally much of a gaming finger. By the time you hit expert, you'll be ready to slide up and down the neck of the guitar to hit all five of the buttons. But it doesn't mean that you'll cruise right through the level, either. Expert gets extremely difficult, especially when it comes time to play the songs' solos. But if you've worked your way through the other difficulties, you'll probably enjoy the steadily increasing challenge.
Aside from the career mode, you can also enter quick play, which lets you play any of the tunes you've unlocked in the career at any of the five difficulties. High scores are tracked in this mode, which is great, but you can't select your player and guitar, which reduces their importance a bit. You can, however, choose your player and your guitar in the multiplayer mode, which lets two players go at it. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like guitars are being sold separately at the moment, so you'll have to either buy two bundle packages or, if you don't want to wait for guitars to go on sale later this year, hope someone in your area also picks up the game. It's a shame that this isn't more readily available right out of the gate, since the multiplayer mode is one of the game's greatest assets. The songs are divided between the two players really well, and you'll trade off solos and such as you play. In addition to these modes, there's also a very brief tutorial that shows you the basics of the game, including how to use star power. Star power is earned by playing star-shaped notes that come along every so often during the course of a song. If you nail enough of them, a star power meter fills up. Once it gets around halfway full, you can activate star power by tilting the guitar upright. This causes the notes to light up and doubles your scoring multiplier. Since missing a bunch of notes drains your on-screen rock meter and ends your game, star power is also handy in the harder songs, since the notes that are hit in star power mode rapidly sway the meter, which determines how well you're doing overall. The addition of star power gives the game a bit of a strategic element that most rhythm games lack. Now, you not only have to hit all the notes to keep your combo going, but you also want to make sure you activate star power just before a heavy section so you can make the most of its score-increasing effects.
Even if you hate Dave Mustaine, Megadeth's 'Symphony of Destruction' is very fun to play.
Guitar Hero is played with a special guitar-shaped controller that has five buttons up on the neck, with one on each of the first five frets. Instead of strings to pluck, a small, clicky flipper is on the body of the guitar. And, just for kicks, it's got a whammy bar. The guitar feels pretty solid and generally well-made. The game screen consists of a scrolling fret board that has various colored notes on it. Each color corresponds to one of the buttons on the guitar, which you must hold down while strumming on the flipper. Some notes have lines attached to them, implying that you should hold down that note for a longer period of time, similar to the freeze arrows found in Dance Dance Revolution. Technically, you could play Guitar Hero on a standard PS2 controller, if you wanted to, but it's not nearly as interesting without the guitar. Also worth noting, the guitar isn't compatible with Konami's Guitar Freaks games, so if you're looking to replace your increasingly rare and somewhat flimsy Konami guitars, you're out of luck.
Unlike most rhythm games, Guitar Hero has a career mode that sort of dictates how you should proceed through the five difficulty settings. This is probably the smartest part of the entire game. Anyone jumping into even the medium difficulty setting without a decent amount of experience isn't likely to get very far. But starting on easy, which only uses three of the five buttons, is a great way to get used to playing the game. Also, you'll be playing easier songs when you first start, and you'll work your way through multiple brackets of tracks as you play. Medium difficulty steps things up by only occasionally working in the fourth button. Eventually, you'll start using that fourth button more and more as you move down the song list. Hard difficulty does the same thing with the fifth button, giving you time to get used to pressing it with your pinky, which, let's face it, isn't normally much of a gaming finger. By the time you hit expert, you'll be ready to slide up and down the neck of the guitar to hit all five of the buttons. But it doesn't mean that you'll cruise right through the level, either. Expert gets extremely difficult, especially when it comes time to play the songs' solos. But if you've worked your way through the other difficulties, you'll probably enjoy the steadily increasing challenge.
Aside from the career mode, you can also enter quick play, which lets you play any of the tunes you've unlocked in the career at any of the five difficulties. High scores are tracked in this mode, which is great, but you can't select your player and guitar, which reduces their importance a bit. You can, however, choose your player and your guitar in the multiplayer mode, which lets two players go at it. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like guitars are being sold separately at the moment, so you'll have to either buy two bundle packages or, if you don't want to wait for guitars to go on sale later this year, hope someone in your area also picks up the game. It's a shame that this isn't more readily available right out of the gate, since the multiplayer mode is one of the game's greatest assets. The songs are divided between the two players really well, and you'll trade off solos and such as you play. In addition to these modes, there's also a very brief tutorial that shows you the basics of the game, including how to use star power. Star power is earned by playing star-shaped notes that come along every so often during the course of a song. If you nail enough of them, a star power meter fills up. Once it gets around halfway full, you can activate star power by tilting the guitar upright. This causes the notes to light up and doubles your scoring multiplier. Since missing a bunch of notes drains your on-screen rock meter and ends your game, star power is also handy in the harder songs, since the notes that are hit in star power mode rapidly sway the meter, which determines how well you're doing overall. The addition of star power gives the game a bit of a strategic element that most rhythm games lack. Now, you not only have to hit all the notes to keep your combo going, but you also want to make sure you activate star power just before a heavy section so you can make the most of its score-increasing effects.
Even if you hate Dave Mustaine, Megadeth's 'Symphony of Destruction' is very fun to play.
1. Opening Licks
Motley crue http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6tley_Cr%C3%BCe- Shout at the Devil
Danzig - Mother http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danzig_%28band%29
Cheap Trick - Surrender http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheap_Trick
Wolfmother - Woman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfmother
Spinal Tap - Tonight I'm Gonna Rock You Tonight http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_Tap_%28band%29
2. Amp-Warmers
Kiss - Strutter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_%28band%29
Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nirvana_band
Police - Message in a Bottle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Police
Van Halen - You Really Got Me http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_Halen
Kansas - Carry on Wayward Son http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kansas_band
3. String-Snappers
Foo Fighters - Monkey Wrench http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foo_Fighters
Alice in Chains - Them Bones http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_in_Chains
Iggy Pop and the Stooges - Search and DestroyPretenders - Tattooed Love Boyshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iggy_Pop_And_The_Stooges
Black Sabbath - War Pigs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sabbath
4. Thrash and BurnWarrant -
Cherry Pie -
Surfers Butthole - Who Was in My Room Last Night http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butthole_Surfers
Mathew Sweet - Girlfriend http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Sweet
Mathew Sweet - Girlfriend http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Sweet
Rolling Stones - Can't You Hear Me Knockin' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_Stones
Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guns_N%27_Roses
5. Return of the Shred
Rage Against the Machine - Killing in the Name Of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rage_Against_the_Machine
Primus - John the Fisherman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primus_%28band%29
Sword - Freya http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sword_%28band%29
Thin Lizzy - Bad Reputation http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thin_Lizzy
Aerosmith - Last Child http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aerosmith
6. Relentless Riffs
Heart - Crazy on You http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heart_%28band%29
Stone Temple Pilots - Tripping on a Hole in a Paper Heart http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_Temple_Pilots
Stray Cats - Rock This Town http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stray_Cats
Allman Brothers - Jessica http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allman_Brothers
Jane's Addiction - Stop http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane%27s_Addiction
Furious Fretwork
Anthrax - Madhouse http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthrax_%28band%29
Living End - Carry Me Home http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_End
Lamb of God - Laid to Rest http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamb_of_God_%28band%29
Reverend Horton Heat - Psychobilly Freakout http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverend_Horton_Heat
Rush - YYZ8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rush_%28band%29
Avenged Sevenfold - Beast and the Harlot http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avenged_Sevenfold
Suicidal Tendencies - Institutionalized
Dick Dale - Misirlou
Megadeth - Hangar 18
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
You'll also probably enjoy the song selection. The recognizable hits among the licensed tracks are all cover songs, not the original versions. But the attention to detail in these covers really shines through, especially when it comes to the meticulously re-created guitar parts. While the game is certainly heavy on older rock and metal tunes, it really seems to be biased in favor of catchy and memorable guitar riffs. So you'll get great versions of Ozzy Osbourne's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozzy_Osbourne "Bark at the Moon" and Judas Priest's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judas_Priest "You've Got Another Thing Comin'," but you'll also get some newer tracks, like Sum 41's http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sum_41 "Fat Lip" and Franz Ferdinand's "Take Me Out." Unless you're very, very anti-guitar in your musical tastes, you'll definitely enjoy playing most of these songs, whether you like the original versions or not. There are 30 songs in career mode, plus another batch of unlockable tunes from the developer's various bands and, of course, synth-pop darlings Freezepop http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freezepop_%28band%29, who somehow seems to turn up in every single Harmonix game.
Most rhythm games aren't much to look at, which is fine, since you won't have much time to enjoy the scenery while keeping your eyes on the gameplay portion of the screen. While you'll still stay focused on which notes you need to hit, observers will get treated to a good variety of rocking environments, from a basement party to an arena rock show, complete with a giant Viking. As we all know how important Vikings are to the history of rock, suffice it to say that this is a great-looking game. The different characters are animated well, though you'll see a few animations that are shared by multiple characters. The rest of the band doesn't get too much screen time, but they also look really sharp.
With songs made famous by David Bowie, Queen, Queens of the Stone Age, and Pantera in there, there's a lot of rock ground to cover.
Aside from the great cover versions contained in the game, the rest of the sound effects also contribute to the overall atmosphere. Prior to songs, you'll hear crowd noise, and when you're doing well, the crowd will clap along. Entering star mode puts a louder effect on your guitar, which is pretty cool. And when you miss notes, you'll hear realistic-sounding fret noise. You can adjust each of the game's sound levels individually, if you like. By default, everything is turned up to 11, Spinal Tap-style, and the guitar is mixed higher than the rest of the song. In some two-player settings, the louder guitars tend to drown out the rest of the song. About the only negative thing you could say about the sound is that if you miss a held note, you'll sometimes hear that note start to ring (still ringing from when you were supposed to hit it) when you play the next note properly. This is minor and awfully esoteric, but it can also make you feel like you're playing a phrase simply to let someone else's guitar work play, rather than feeling like you're playing it yourself.
Guitar Hero may be simple in design, but between its terrific sense of atmosphere, the amazing song selection, fantastic cover versions, and absolutely wicked gameplay, it's one of the most complete packages that the genre has ever seen. It's fun to play alone, but even better in groups. If you've ever been interested in the rhythm genre, this is the game to buy.
Will something like this ever made for keyboards?

and the concert album "Made in Japan"
Jon Lord is the men!!!!
Id you serious abour keybords in Rock -check him out too -
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