
friends friends Max Mahonin

Maxim Mahonin is a core of fast growing "MaxMahoninMuliMedia" "4M4U"

company in Moscow responsible for many presentations, documentaries, short films, "life feeds", music clips and sound recordings.There clients vary from private to government structures.

He is also an excellent reportage cameraman, who can hold the focus for a long time (look at his strong hands)

He is famous for his "one camera non-stop shots" as long as 5 hours.(in style of Sokurov's "Russian Ark" filmed in Hermitage of St. Petersburg in"one take"(check the film out-it's available worldwide with subtitles - absolute delight! )

He himself was filming entire concerts of "Master" in Moscow and "Kiev" as well as "behind the scenes" moments on tour.that must appear at long awaited "MASTER XX" DVD

His real passion is underwater shots, for which he is travelling around the globe and spending

days underwater(with an aqualung) and sometimes literately risking his life for an exiting capture view of magnificently exotic but often dangerous undersea inhabitants.

mother "zwinneblomme" 2007

My dearest friends , it's became a tradition for me to participate in this "all night" marathon in one of the most prestigious student events of the year.Hope to see you there ,and this time with new songs and surprises.

Special thanks to

Gaëtan Bourguignon

Tony Bourguignon

Anthony Ingelbrecht (praeses)

Thomas Tamsin (vice praeses)

Mathieu Deroo (Quaestor)


"stadsfeestzaal" antwerpen (city party hall)

After a huge reconstruction, following a big devastating fire few years ago-"staadsfeestzaal" is open again - we were invited to witness this remarkable event and even to play a few songs.Definitely place to see "neoclassic "building made in 1908 by architect A. Van Mechelen in the central Meir street , all filled with "plastic-jap-futuristic" design, shops, cafes and restaurants.


ask your folks if they used to be a hyppie and teach you to "meditate"

Sometimes plane beautifully,sometimes completely out of this world.There is more, where this coming from -just type "2012" on u tube search and knock your brain out(and i was thinking, that i am a waco;))

The way it is

Piano solo (nice legs too ;)

and original from Bruce Hornsby

Piano riff song award.Vanessa Carlton.

Vanessa Carlton - A thousand miles


learn melody

vodka eristoff (the best ever capitalist joke)

SILENCE!!!!!! I KILL YOU!!!!!!!!

JEFF DUNHAM - ACHMED the Dead Terrorist


memories are made of this

Life running in circles, don't deny.Every new generation, just rediscover what parents hided under the Mattress.


This "mesmerasing" clip is voted the "best" by "Court of the Courts"
BAT FOR LASHES - What's a girl to do


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Roma kim.

Born in Moscow, he spend most of his youth there, startet there a leginary band
"Romin Ston"(do not mix with "rolling stones", and escaped from pressure of Russian Wild Capitalism to Belgium, where he is hiding from popularity and enjoying quite parenthood with his amassing doter and girlfriend Olga (she plays harp).See his blog -



Bobby Mc Ferrin

Ric got this DVD for me.
I bet you remember Bobby Mc Ferrin for this -

I loved the show, but he really knocked me down with entire audience singing "Ave maria", where he performs Bach part and they singin melody in top of it (S.Guno )

Cooking for creative idiots n1 The green salad

I thought Will I ever finish this salad? (and I hate to throw food away), too much chewing, and it's too dry, you know.I met quite a lot of folks, who share my view.

So here is a little trick.
Add water and syrup or sugar (like they do in Mac(youknowwho)and the green stuff will "slide" down the throat nicely.
I almost drunk it :)

Bed and breakfast in Ghent.

"Allegra Nova", just 50 e, and grate atmosphere in the heart of Ghent.
Traveller, or just want to kick out with a friend -hurry, must book at advance!
Run by the same management as Zwarte Zee, by Andrei and his charming wife.

http://www.allegra-nova.be/ +32 (0) 475 96 07 47 (shower there - is a state of art:))

(site made by my admin -Rick and my song is playing on background.) - flattered;)

UNESCO wants every child in poor coutries to have a laptop.

UNESCO wants every child in poor couturiers to have a laptop.

This is just a prototype -price under 100 us dollars.Cool!!!!WiFi 4 usb ports

detales on



(I want one;)

Notice the "handle" on a side.Anytime, anwhere.No electricity?-, use your hand or ask the mom.

Splinter cell PS3

If you get lost in "Splinter Cell",(as i did :) ), just go


congratulations, old friend

Spivakov was named Artist for Peace by UNESCO “for his role in promotion of musical life and heritage throughout the world,” in the course of “his numerous educational and cultural activities that he has been involved throughout his career

frends, friends, friends 1

Andrey Bolshakov - ex Aria , ex Master - chef editor of "Music Box"(Moscow)
