Attention !some people can be offended! Bryan Adams and Brokeback Mountain
"I wanna be your underwear..." With all this guitar riffs...
My dear gay friends, don't get angry! The joke is also, that Bryan has such a macho appearance.
Say what?
The most homophobic people I met are so aggressive towards gays,
because they have to suppress
and scared of there own gay impulses, and it's easy to blame and channel frustrations to minorities .
Never the less no objections about kissing lesbians:) No logic what so ever.
I am cool about man,who like each other, or girls,who comfort each other at cold winter night or even people who feel sexual to plants and trees (chlorophilia)
or even those who get turned on by "things and objects" ("fetishism")
(yes, if it's not my personal belongings:)Bryan, don't tooch my underpants,I beg you!!!!
It's called "Private life" and not without a reason.
(Of course plants and objects must be of legal age -remember most of the small plants can't protect themselves, except the cactus. Check the law of your local community,before doing something funny with your fridge or insert foreign objects to your ear ,or another body cavity!!!)
So little Adobe Creative Suite CS3 Production exercise of my friend - "Brokeback Mountain with the song "I wanna be your underwear by Bryan Adams. I already said ,In my opinion, it's a very funny song and feats perfectly to otherwise controversial plot of the film.If you didn't see it http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0388795/ probably you will not get bitter humor of it.There should be "chicks "in there underwear running around, not two cowboys.;)
SEXIZZZM,Big girls and "metrosexuals"
How to understand girlz?

Shoes and more shoes,"Is my behind looking too fat in this skirt?",mood swings,famous "female logic""I told you so, turn to the left", fluffy ,cute ,un-functional things, flowers, "down to earth mentality in bizarre combination with need to "romance",constant need to prove something..constant feeling of being unsure and a result better organized, looking for a" right man", need for attention"have to be needed and important",Loving and soft and suddely cruel -"keep your dream, just give me the money"" nestling -housing","property porn addiction"rings and finally ultimate power - maternity instinct...

Toys and more toys,cars, games,"is my willy large enough?" power,sex,chaos,random impulses, polygamy, into competition,"I know better!",money, aggression, finally giving up looking for "mother"..did I mention cars and , yes GIRLZZZZ
Emil send me this clip from his British friend -
Girls ,-watch and learn -iit is how we are:),oh "music is my first love...;)"Disgusting..."
Good example clip "Satisfaction"- how it looked originally, when nerds did it..
The same song!!!!!!!!!
Satisfaction - Benny Benassi
Emile ,"Regi" & Bart Peeters , Gogol Bordrllo an Verka Serduchka.
His name is Emile and he performed AT lARIAN studios title track for "Divinity" and violin parts, when he was much younger. I personally took care of his switch from classics, jazz to folk;)
Look at him now - a real "star," I have a video of concert -"super" -enjoyed every minute of it.Bart hired very young energetic guys to his band , and chemistry is working miracles. I recommend you to get DVD instead of CD -you will see - Emil even has a solo -dance number:) wait a second - clip will the song "AAA Anthem "will come ;- .

Ok, they a bit like Gogol Bordello, guys from formal Soviet Union in LA (USA°, but not quite so extreme;-
...Even Madonna....with "Gogol Bordello", "un -freaking -believable". - but you can skip her global speech in beginning:)
An this is our own Russian (Ukrainian) king of pop-folk exploaration, yes , don't be shocked - Verka Serduchka is a man!!!!
want tose more of this fun just serch u tube for VERKA SERDUCHKA
Night out in Ghent
Tonight instead I went out, first to the place near "South",where two guys, teaches me to play "The Pool " - cool game, almost like the snooker, but tables are smaller and game goes faster.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pool_%28game%29 -
you find it in many places in Belgium with this small tables.Rules are simple here.
1 Make a triangle from all the balls (except white one ) - black one in a middle.(There is a special plastic ruler to make it easy)
2 Shoot with a white one .If you score with "full colored one" - you play those, if with "half colored" -you have to score with them.When you score -you shoot again.
3 If white one goes in the "bucket" by accident - your opponent can shoot twice in a row.
4 If black one goes down during the game by chance -you loose.
5 In end of the game you have to "bring home" the black one...
6You can place your hand anywhere on a table and even sit or lean on it , but keep one feet on the ground.
(I sucked, but will practice) ."Duvel" and "Palm" are very strong Belgian beers, so I got drunk
and ..or forgot to pay the round to my new friends ,or the barmen charged us twice.
"Rip the tourist !",I am not a tourist, I am "expat":)!!!!!
At10 o'clock I went to see the concert of "Humble Grumble" -band from Ghent, where singer and violin player is my good friend.
(she speaks perfect Russian and been in Moscow many times) -Franciska Roose.
Check them out ,if you into Frank Zappa or "Godley and Cream"- Cool, clever, bizarre and very well rephrased life extravaganza run by Hungarian ,living in Ghent for 16 years (speaks good Flemish , unlike me.Shame, shame, shame...)-Humble Gabor . From tomorrow they are on tour to Hungary, if you are there by chance, don't miss it!
http://www.myspace.com/humblegrumble -
songs are there
info -
I was happening in Charlatan (Vlasmarkt 6), known for it's music diversity - definitely place to be, (run by two brothers) - a bit of everything to everybody.
The entrance fee only 5 euro - worth every penny.
Drunk and happy to make some new friends I crashed in my small (very small:) :(, my "embassy in Ghent") -place (I still keep it, a bit renovated, but still to small to give a party ;( -
Tomorrow back to Brussels - "UNESCO" and recording studio.
Very early :(
Pre - "computer music" period.
Picture from Arina.

This is autograph session in "metal shop "with Master in Moscow.
Arina wears mysterious sunglasses, probably not to be recognized :)
All composition of this "photo -installation" reminds me the famous monument "Factory and Kolkhoze workers"from Vera Muhina ;) Made of metal :)

Another picture from the archive.JEAN MICHAEL JARRE -UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador

It's a pitty -only two hands :)
"HEADPHONE" Plese vote for my friends.
So if you like a song "Ghostwriter " (i just love it!),-please help them to move up the charts of the most influential Belgian music broadcaster - "Srudio Brussel" and take a vote. This is a "press release" -
headphone reaches 5th position in the "Afrekening"!
Wednesday January 9th. Unbelievable. Today headphone moved from 16th to 5th position in the Afrekening. As we already mentioned, this is the most important alternative top30 list in Flanders, so we are pretty much euphoric about the way things are going. If you have been voting, thanks a million! And please don't stop and get us in the top3....
Get some voting done this week overhere.
You can find a list of bands to complete your top3 with below.
:Afrekening 9 Januari:
1. (01) BLOC PARTY Flux 07
2. (03) THE VAN JETS What's going on 07
3. (26) BEIRUT Nantes 03
4. (07) THE BLACKBOX REVELATION I think I like you 06
5. (16) HEADPHONE Ghostwriter 03
6. (02) FOO FIGHTERS Long road to ruin 06
7. (04) AIR TRAFFIC Shooting star 17
8. (06) QUEENS OF THE STONE AGE Make it wit chu 13
9. (05) FREAKY AGE Time is over 09
10. (21) EDITORS The racing rats 03
11. (10) RADIOHEAD Jigsaw falling into place 05
12. (08) ARCTIC MONKEYS Teddy picker 05
13. (12) MILOW Dreamers and renegades 05
14. (13) ARCADE FIRE No cars go 12
15. (17) TIM VANHAMEL Until I find you 04
16. (11) SIGUR ROS Hljomalind 08
17. (28) DAFTPUNK Harder, better, faster, stronger (live) 02
18. (14) ZORNIK Get whatever you want 12
19. (15) MINTZKOV Return and smile 11
20. (20) KLAXONS It's not over yet 06
21. (27) ARID Why do you run 03
22. (19) SIOEN I need a drug 08
23. (09) SERJ TANKIAN Empty walls 10
24. (22) INTERPOL No I in threesome 04
25. (18) NIGHTWISH Amaranth 08
26. (24) KAISER CHIEFS Love's not a competition (but I'm winning) 04
27. (25) LINKIN PARK Shadow of the day 08
28. (--) DAS POP Fool for love 01
29. (30) SIMPLE PLAN When I'm gone 02
30. (--) WOMBATS Let's dance to Joy Division 01
Bob Sinclar "Together" Feat. Steve Edwards
We can argue about music qualities of a song, or maybe it's just too cute, but this clip
is somehow flows in a spirit of a season, when all of us hope for better future, loose some bad habits and yes.. sales are starting;)