We are trying stay "cool" and do not "take the sides", but let's open mind and balance our perspective.
The beautiful "green - yellow - white" "Mandala" of British Petroleum hasn't any "red - blood" color on it.Nither we have anything against British or American people, (who ,for sure, in big numbers have no clue, what is all this buzz about,where the hell is Osetia, but have seen some disturbing pictures of blood and gutts on TV screen),neither even against administration and hardworking engineers and clerics of BP. Billions where thrown as an investment to avoid safe and friendly port of Novorossiysk .All the way through troubled Caucasus and "relatively secure" Turkey to get the Azerbajanian oil from Baku, avoiding Russia at all cost. Why? The shareholders of PB can ask this very question any day, when stock collapsed, and we just asking - "GIVE RUSSIA A BRAKE!!!".This country suffered a lot with your "experiments" and maybe need time to find it's identity, before finding itself surrounded by all kind of predators, hanger driven for it's natural recourses . Strong and friendly Russia is better to have as a partner,BIG MARKET, balance and a bridge to East AND at least... Ok, think how much war in Iraq cost...Check the numbers... Will The mighty "Uncle" manage? Europe ,On witch of the horses will you bet?Dr.KeyReal.
RUSSIA'S Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, has vigorously defended his country's use of force in South Ossetia and accused the United States of trying to frighten Europe into taking anti-Russian positions.
He described Georgia's attack on Russian forces in the breakaway region on August 7 as unexpected and unprovoked.
"What did you expect us to do?" he said. "Should we have just wiped the bloody snot away and bowed our heads? Should we have waved our penknives in the air? Should we have used catapults against tanks?"
"If an aggressor comes into one's territory we would punch him in the face and one would be right to do so."
He took a tough line with Britain, angry that it had given asylum to Akhmed Zakayev, a leader of the movement for Chechen independence. "Why do you allow Great Britain to be used as a launching pad to fight Russia?" he said.

Despite his tough language over the South Ossetia conflict, Mr Putin refused to issue threats against the West for supporting Georgia. He accused the US of training the Georgian Army before its attack on the South Ossetian capital, Tskhinvali, last month. "They sent instructors who helped to mobilise the Georgian forces. Of course we had to respond."
Throughout the three-hour meeting, he blamed the West for being stuck in Cold War "anti-Russian phobia", and the US presidential candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama, for "playing the Russian card".
Making it clear any expansion of NATO to Georgia or Ukraine would be unwelcome, Mr Putin said it was time to create a security structure for Europe that reflected the new realities in the continent. Moscow had no imperial aims, he said, and should be credited for dismantling the Soviet Union.
He took issue with the Bush Administration's recent decision to install long-range missiles in Poland, ostensibly as a defence against potential missiles from Iran. Iran had no such missiles, he said, and the US missile system's intentions were clear. If the US deployed any missiles, Russia would target Poland in return. "Don't try again to instigate an arms race in Europe," he said.
He denied he was in overall control of Russian decision-making, insisting that his successor, President Dmitry Medvedev, was in charge.
"He had to give the order to send troops to these republics. He had to recognise these republics, he couldn't do otherwise. These were his decisions.
The oil pipeline, which BP owns as part of a consortium, can carry up to 90,000 barrels of oil per day.
Another key oil pipeline, which runs from Azerbaijan through southern Georgia into Turkey, is already shut.
The closure comes as the International Energy Agency (IEA) warned that the conflict posed a threat to key oil and gas pipelines that pass through Georgia from Baku.

Youse your brains, whatever media trying to push on you.

An inquest has shown that aggressors were attempting to erase South Ossetia from the face of the Earth, an investigator has told ".
Aleksandr Bastrykin is currently coordinating the inquiry into Georgian military crimes in South Ossetia. He is a member of the inquiry committee at the Russian Federal Office of the Public Prosecutor has told.
On Wednesday Bastrykin spoke to "Rossiyskaya Newspaper" while in Moscow on a brief visit before flying back to Vladikavkaz.
RN: Aleksandr, witnesses talk about Georgian soldiers' brutality towards the civilian population. Has the investigation managed to find proof of such heavy crimes?
AB: To be honest, things that we were forced to see out there surpass human understanding. I don't know with what you can compare the crimes that Georgian troops committed on South Ossetian soil. Perhaps, only to the barbarities of the Nazis during World War II. The crimes are so severe that we were even forced to expand the number of investigators we dispatched to the region from 150 to 211, also giving them 29 criminal prosecutors as an extra helping hand. The file is already over 100 volumes long, and it's only the beginning of the investigation.
RN: Is genocide against the Ossetian people confirmed?
AB: Completely. We have concluded that in the period between the 7th and the 12th of august, Georgian armed forces invaded the territory of the unrecognised state with the aim of completely eradicating the Ossetian national group. They had pity for nobody. We found a woman who was shot in the head. She was eight months pregnant. The unborn child died as well.
We recorded a number of eyewitness reports stating that Georgian troops specifically bombed basements, where they knew Tskhinval civilians were hiding.
Not only in Tskhinval, but in other towns, hundreds of buildings have been wiped out - the aggressors erased them from the face of the Earth so that no trace of Ossetian life remained on this soil.
RN: Russian peacekeepers died too...
AB: It’s been determined that 52 Russian peacekeepers died and 229 were wounded. The investigation also has information concerning the finishing off of Russian soldiers.
Investigators have collected shell splinters and bullets that doctors extracted from the wounded. They’ve also gathered a number of documents and items that are evidence of crimes committed by the Georgian military. 3915 people have been acknowledged as victims and questioned. And their testimony confirms facts of genocide against Ossetians – citizens of the Russian federation.
RN: And what about corpses of Georgian soldiers?
AB: We have found 51 bodies of servicemen of the Georgian Army. They were carefully examined. All of them died because of bullets and splinters. There are not any signs of humiliation. The results of the examination were documented thoroughly in order not to let Georgians use their dead soldiers for provocations against Russia.
RN: It was also reported that many Ossetian monuments and cultural sites were destroyed.
AB: Almost all of them. Georgian tanks even wiped out a Christian temple dating back to 16th century. Here is further proof of genocide from the Georgian side. This crime means not only the annihilation of a nation, but also its history, culture and monuments.