
when it is too much of everything -"random is good"

Zeul told me: "Humans never before had so much TV shows,
books, movies, news, music, computer games and data available to them. So we have to watch movies and read in fragments, take"shortcut" in conversations, multitasking.Sometimes "random" is the best choice - otherwise you will become the "librarian" and you lose too much time searching. Relax and pick up from your shelf the first thing you see - and usually it works."

We spend 8 hours a day to perform social functions, plus time for transportation, we have to clean, do the housework, wash, shop, prepare food and eat, repairer our stuff, take care of the body -maybe some sports, do something creative,visit family, have relationships,do papirwork,help friends and have sex and finally sleep another 8 hours minimum -when? 24 only 24

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