This are my famous "druz'a"- Olga Gorokhova and Patrick de Clerck my beloved friends,
who live here in Belgium, not far from Ghent in a wonderful Willa with a romantic garden,build all by themselves from and old farm house.

And Patrick de Clerck is famous for his orchestral works, performed in many countries with grate success.
now he also bringing the most remarkable artists for recording on his international label - MEGADISC
Patrick De Clerck has produced most of the contemporary classical repertory for this recording company.
and finally we are so happy to enjoy the "cream of the crop" musicians ,who are invited by him (as an Art Director) to Handels Beurs , -probably the "coolest" and recently renovated and famous for it's excellent acoustics concert place in Ghent
Patrick De Clerck is doing the classical music programing here.
Above all, they are the collectors of the Russian icons -that are carefully and tasty chosen for relatively small, but very impressive collection -
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