Can you please do with your nuclear obsession because we hardly believe you need atomic power to light your kitchens.Ok let's be honest about it- it' all started long time ago, when Americans installed Shach.

It seams you have enough oil to play around.
Why not become a peaceful, full of recourses, nation like, let's say, peace-loving and gas and oil possessing
They are even not a member of EU. They are so independent, that it's actually scary.
So stop to
give all kind of reasons to "bomb the shit out of you",
Unless you are paid
by the same
Guys, who make weapons and need an excuse to do so.
Another thing, - if you want to promote your Religion, please stop hanging publically young boys for inserting their penis in a "wrong" places.

(According to some studies (of Persian pre-fundamentalist poetry) anal sex is not so exiting “to die for”, unless it's forbidden.)… or stealing an apple on a market so to say..

Stoning people to death instead of hiring a lowyer for divorce is actually not really 21 century custom either.
Who is really “getting off” on hanging people publically, or are you so afraid of any opposition?

Not exactly sign of strength. Do you really want someone to come to your country and teach you their vision of “democracy”, by killing and torturing your people, but this time not in name of your God, and in waste numbers… so to say?
(We understand ,– people of Europe and America performed worse atrocities in a name of “All Loving God”, but now it’s a bit “out of fashion” lately.)
It is really bad publicity, didn't you get it?
Can you hire some really professional people to do your Public Relations
and diplomacy of an Islamic Republic (of merciful God)?
You don't like
So become clear about it - burning American or Israeli flags is exactly what CNN and Fox news want you to do.
We don't like what happened to
So join the positive forces of the Planet in search for common Solutions and please in a name of whatever Supreme Power you choose to believe - stop to be "pain in the ass",
or "Axis
of evil" or "
Persian and another nations living on your territory after British made it so, have a lot to be proud off.

(Hire us – we even managed an alien to be elected…Democratically.)
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