Shout for England
In public, they appeared to live ordinary American lives — working regular jobs and walking their kids to school.They posed as Canadians.
But, authorities say, 11 people accused in the U.S. of being "deep cover" Russian spies were anything but ordinary — speaking in code, engaging in covert money exchanges and communicating via private wireless networks.This is especially upsetting after a week as Obama shared the hamburgers with Medvedev. Apparently our spies were after American nuclear secrets .
It is hard to be a Russian spy nowadays -not the same respect as during sweet Cold War times.
Russian demographic worries.
Considering that the world is severely overpopulated it is ridiculous to consider the Russian situation "drastic." In fact, it could be argued that the Russian people would be better off with a lower population. Canada's population density is much lower than that of Russia, which allows for the resource wealth to grow. It seems to me that a drop in the world population towards a more sustainable number would do us all a lot of good. Is the encouragement to produce more people yet another symptom of nationalism and grow-or-die economics? I do not understand. There are over six billion people in the world. Why do we want more people consuming energy, causing pollution and contributing to global warming? Encouraging someone with several children to have another that will use more oil than I could possibly save by getting a hybrid vehicle, make no sense to me. There are almost seven billion people crowded onto this planet, does Russia really want to add to the problem? If the country believes it needs a larger population, perhaps it would be better to do more to encourage immigration. If the government officials want hero mothers, they should stop the sex slave trade of Russian women to European brothels. It's a tragedy of national proportions - an entire gene base is being killed, drugged and raped into thin air, and the government is denying the very existence of slave trade. Moscow alone has 80,000 prostitutes, which is 8-10% of the population. It would be interesting to read about that in your blog - and the reactions of Muscovites to the rise in sexual violence against Eastern European women since the break-up of the USSR. Rather than encouraging large families, President Medvedev should be encouraging immigration to Russia. Allowing in Chinese and Indians would help Russia connect with these emerging strong economies. Why is a declining population bad? We're always being warned that the earth can't support so many people. Instead of trying to increase their populations, countries with declining populations should focus on supporting their elderly and be glad that they're helping global resource sustainability. After hearing only extremely negative comments on Russia from BBC reporters, even the slightly negative comments by James Rodgers seem refreshing. The fact that Russians manage to work in such extreme climatic conditions speaks volume about their mental and physical stamina. Even Eskimoes and Scandinavians take long winter breaks to get over harsh winters. |
Metallica - Master of Puppets - piano cover
Hiding an identity.
Sweetest songs.
Guitar - Peter Nalich
Moscow Diary: Traffic jams
Moscow Diary: Traffic jams | ||
Russian passion for cars and how the capital's roads have changed since communist times. STUCK IN TRAFFIC "You must have seen a lot of changes," people often say when I tell them I first came to Moscow in the last years of the Soviet Union.
There was a joke in Soviet times. It went something like this: Sergei had been waiting for ages to hear when he would get his new car. Finally, the call came. "We'll deliver it on Tuesday 12th March, 19xx" (here you'd add a date in about five years' time). "Oh no," says Sergei. "That's the day they're coming to fix the washing machine." Sergei wouldn't have to wait that long these days. Foreign manufacturers have flocked to Russia. They've set up factories here to feed the insatiable demand for a set of wheels. Late last year, the authorities in Moscow estimated that there were three million cars registered in the Russian capital. That number is growing by 10% annually. Many more are driven into the city every day. It's the most obvious sign of Russia's new wealth. In the dying days of the USSR, car parts were in such short supply that motorists went to extraordinary lengths to frustrate thieves. If it began to rain, drivers would suddenly leap from their vehicles to tend to their windscreen wipers. They kept their wiper blades in the glove compartment. Leaving them on an unattended parked car was an invitation to robbers. A replacement set was hard to come by. Now there are shops stacked with spare parts. Some of them are even open round-the-clock. Sometimes it feels like there's heavy traffic 24 hours a day, too.
Now it's six lanes of traffic which often moves painfully slowly. Last autumn, it ground to a complete stop. The Spartak football team's bus got stuck. The players had to finish their journey to the stadium by metro. You can understand why the desire for car ownership is so strong here. For decades, getting behind the wheel was nothing more than a dream for many people here. Millions more Russians now have the chance to take to the road. But one of the side-effects is that it's impossible to be sure how long it will take you to get anywhere by car. There are fears that it will begin to take a toll on the economy. There were even reports last year that the mayor was considering making city employees start their working day at 0700 so they could beat the traffic. That hasn't happened - at least, not yet. It's unlikely to be popular in a city where, in midwinter, it doesn't get light until 0900. So what's the answer? Some Muscovites ask me about the congestion charge in London. In a city where having to pay to park is still considered daylight robbery, the idea of paying to drive won't be an overnight hit |
Visiting concert of Aria in Moscow

No witch, nor an enchantress
came to my house one day
Not in the height of full moon
but a bright summer day
Most times in sunrise time
I come to you in dream
but all is different this time
She said that day to me
Exhaustion, loathing and pain
Of madness darkest fear
You hold the very hell of earth,
like sky upon your back
And every one of you is mad,
in both love and war
But life's no sound to just cut off
She said that day to me
It's high over there
No one around
It's as lonely there as here
It's high over there, and clouds race...
T'wards a long ago extinguished star
While you still live,
don't simply die
and look upon this world
So many here have lost their soul
they all are dead inside
But walk around, laughing
not knowing they are gone
Do not rush your final hour
She said that day to me
escape from life is possible
but never that from death
LIfe itself will fold its wings
And I'll return back here
No witch, nor an enchantress
Came to my house that day
But by mistake, to quench her thirst,
On that day death dropped in
And below, the Russian version, for those skilled in the tongue.
Не ведьма, не колдунья
Ко мне явилась в дом,
Не в пору полнолунья,
А летним, ясным днем...
Обычно на рассвете
Я прихожу, во сне,
Но все не так на этот раз...
Она сказала мне
Усталость, ненависть и боль,
Безумья темный страх...
Ты держишь целый ад земной
Как небо, на плечах!
Любой из вас безумен -
В любви и на войне,
Но жизнь - не звук, чтоб обрывать...,
Она сказала мне
... Там, высоко - нет никого
Там также одиноко, как и здесь
Там, высоко - бег облаков
К погасшей много лет назад звезде
Пока ты жив, не умирай,
На этот мир взгляни -
У многих здесь душа мертва,
Они мертвы внутри!
Но ходят и смеются,
Не зная, что их нет...
Не торопи свой смертный час, -
Она сказала мне
Сбежать от жизни можно
От смерти - никогда.
Сама жизнь крылья сложит
И я вернусь сюда...
Не ведьма, не колдунья
Явилась в дом ко мне,
А летним днем испить воды
Зашла случайно смерть
Russian doctor in an emigration.
Punish me
Why they are attractive ?
GATES and Buffet Seek "Fathers of all the nations"
Bomber project
Can they all just get along already:)
What about TU-144?
Thomas Devos is back
A pet name for a murder weapon
The reality of accidents
The reality of accidents
My 1 year graduation from an art academy.

Post modernism?..What post modernism?
Nature is experimenting...

Finally Russian poetry from "Brugge"
Мировая экономика находится на втором этапе кризиса
Известный американский финансист Джордж Сорос накануне заявил, что еще рано говорить о завершении мирового финансового кризиса. По его мнению, сейчас начался только второй этап. Финансовые рынки стали терять уверенность в надежности суверенного долга.
Финансист предупредил также, что весь мир ощутит на себе последствия от проблем, возникших вокруг Греции и евро, поскольку "долговой кризис" имеет и ряд других развитых западноевропейских государств. "Сомнения по поводу суверенного долга вынуждают страны сокращать бюджетные дефициты в то время, когда банки и экономика, возможно, не настолько сильны, чтобы позволить себе стремиться к фискальной честности. Мы оказались в ситуации, которая пугающе напоминает 30-е годы прошлого века", - отметил Сорос.
В настоящее время правительства европейских стран "стоят перед чрезвычайно трудной задачей". Необходимо помочь странам восстановить равновесие и в то же время нужно подправить те недостатки Маастрихтского договора, которые позволили развиться этим диспропорциям.